Amina is Italian-Palestinian, was born in Modena and has lived in Milan since 2015. She is a mother of six and founder of ‘Aisha Project’, a pioneer NGO in Europe that aims to empower women, promoting their freedom of choice and socio-economic independence. The association she founded in 2016 has helped dozens of women and girls in distress to date, with around 220 women victims of physical, economic and psychological violence still in its care. In just a few years, the Aisha Project has become a reference point for the whole of Italy, and contacts are even beginning to arrive from other countries. It is truly extraordinary to see how many women come to the Aisha Project and above all, thanks to Amina’s support, how they manage to get out of situations of absolute degradation, both human and professional. Amina puts into practice what she advocates both at home and in public, a notable example being when she supported her daughter’s decision to stop wearing the veil two years ago. My aim as a photographer is precisely to tell the story of this woman of Palestinian origin and Muslim faith who in her daily life tries to be of help within the society in which she lives; it is not easy, her activities often clash with her origins but this does not prevent her from helping the weakest regardless of their ethnicity, social status or religion.

My project tells how Amina protects them and finds suitable solutions for them, how she knows how to listen to and be supportive of her ‘sisters’, urging them – where necessary – to find the courage to ask for help through the law, in some cases seeking a safe haven where they can live in the meantime. Amina is very concerned about her family in Hebron, Palestine, and the Gaza Strip. Saddened by the deaths of both Palestinian and Israeli civilians, she would like to find a way to meet her family members. Once again I follow her in her grief and try to document as much as possible what is happening to her, so that I can deepen the reportage, enriching it with new stories. In the selection of images you will also find the events organized through the photo project. Whether in schools, universities or exhibitions, the main aim is to make young people aware of the issues addressed by the Aisha Project. All of them, so far, continue to enjoy considerable public interest.

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